The other night I finished up the questline offered by Greatmother Geyah, matriarch of the orcs in Garadar, Nagrand. This questline only becomes available to you after you've completed ALL of the quests in Nagrand, even those not associated with Garadar. I heard about it a while ago, and I'd been itching to start it, just to see the final part. It's a lore thing. Essentially, you are called to the Greatmother because she sees the hesitation in leadership by Garrosh Hellscream, the de facto warchief of the Garadar. (By the way, Geyah was mate to Garad, who let the Frostwolf clan before the first war and the downfall of the Orcs and Dranei.)

The Greatmother starts you on a questline that goes through something like 11 or 12 parts. Most of it is soloable, though at the mid-point you're directed to the Auchenai Crypts. Upon completion of all the quests in the chain, you're directed back to the Greatmother, who tells you the story of her son, Durotan, who died long ago on another world. She's basically crying at this point, and you're given the chance to tell her that you know of Durotan, that he was a great and noble leader, and that his son Thrall, is your warchief and the noble leader of your people back home in Azeroth. She gives you the quest to contact Thrall, and Thrall, upon hearing this, tells you that he will travel at once to Outland to meet his grandmother for the very first time.
It's soooo cool to experience this stuff. I always thought the origins of the Horde were fascinating, but to see this stuff in a quest that furthers the story in the Burning Crusade, and on top of that to be a part of it yourself, was amazing.
Garadar's honor guard lines up to welcome Thrall as he comes into the village, and he comes in and meets Garrosh. He tells Garrosh that his father, Grom Hellscream, was a great warrior. He even has a hologram thing that displays the epic battle with Mannoroth the Destructor, in which Grom sacrificed himself for the Horde. In all, it gives Garrosh the sense of identity he needs to lead his people, and Thrall the closure in finally being able to connect with his long-lost family. Killer quest.

Also, this picture illustrates why I love being a Warlock :)
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