There’s got to be some law of illustrating the frequency of blog posts in relation to how much fun one is having in WoW. One would imagine that the more fun he has, the more entries he would post. That’s not been the case with me lately. I’m having a blast in WoW, taking taking screens for the blog, but I’ve just been having too much fun to get in there and post.
I’m a classic procrastinator, and this evidently has transferred into the blog as well. :D
Let’s go chronologically, since so much shit has happened since the last post.
Well, let’s see. I pushed my old Warlock past his 225 fishing and cooking quests early last week, so that was fun. It’ll be good to have another character for these quests, if I get him up to the appropriate level. I was able to do the Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy daily in Zangarmarsh, but all of the other fishing dailies have been in zones out of his level range, even with the +100 lures.
My Hunter hit 375 in fishing last week, though, making an even cap across all of her tradeskills and professions. First time I’ve accomplished that with any character. Of course, I announced this with appropriate glee in guild chat, which prompted a particularly snide guildie to reply, “I’m sorry.” Haha. Dick. It’s cool, though, we talked about the merits of fishing, and as always it just comes down to personal preference. I used to hate fishing. Never understood the draw. But that was because until patch 2.4, and until I got my skill high enough for the dailies, there was no viable reward in the skill for me. Now I do my fishing daily in hopes for the non-combat gator pet, or the hat. I already picked up the booze recipe. Plus it’s a very, very easy 7 gold, with some occasionally interesting junk and free lures. More on fishing later though.
I got into another run of Karazhan’s first half last Wednesday, and we again cleared up through Curator and before at Shade of Aran for the night. It was more fun this time, as I pretty much knew how the pulls worked, and I had a great hunter to watch and follow for tips. We got the Wizard of Oz event that night, and it was very cool. Seemed pretty chaotic to me, but the raid leader just had me focus DPS on whoever he called out, so it was fairly simple. Even managed to avoid the tornado from the Crone! And, bless her blackened heart, she dropped [Legacy]. The other Hunter gave it to me, since he had some PvP axe already. Such a nice upgrade, and I love the inscription on it. Extremely cool weapon. Then I believe it was Curator who dropped the token for my Tier 1 Demon Stalker gloves. As I was still wearing (nicely) enchanted green gloves, it was a tremendous upgrade. That run also brought me up to Honored with the Violet Eye (dinged on the last mob of the night) so I was able to turn in my signet ring for the epic upgrade. Not too shabby for a Wednesday evening.
Ran a few heroics over the weekend and pulled in some more badges (I’m guessing I should earn and spend them now, as they’ll only buy outdated stuff when WotLK is released). Mostly, the weekend was spent buzzing about patch 3.0.2, which was expected to launch on 10/14. Gathered a bunch of lowbie herbs for the three projected inscriptionists in our guild.
Patch day was a pain in the ass for me, just like it was for 99% of everyone else. I’d already downloaded 1.17 gb before Tuesday, and got the remaining .03 gb and completed the installation without issue. However, Perenolde was one of the many realms that alternated between a lack of character lists and the whole server going down. I left it alone after an hour and a half.
Access on Wednesday proved unfettered, and I quickly reviewed my achievements. WOW. I got shafted on a lot of shit, on the Warlock and the Hunter. For the Warlock I received no credit at all for the numerous times I cleared Stratholme, Scholomance, Dire Maul and BRD. I may have come late to the game in early 2006, but I did kill those bosses. And for the Hunter, I didn’t get any credit for all the dailies I’ve been doing, or for insulting and killing the Brewfest boss, Coren Direbrew. Ah well, it’s not like these are all impossible. I’ll get to them eventually. Again.
On the subject of achievements, my point whoredom from Xbox Live has transferred nicely into WoW. Fuck me. As if I needed more reason to keep playing. There are a shitload of achievements I’d like to get, and I have a feeling I’ll be working on a few of them for quite a while.
So we got that achievement, as well as the [Leeeeeeeeroooy!!!] title of Jenkins after our names for killing 50 whelps in 15 seconds in the UBRS rookery. We also got the achievement for killing the final UBRS boss, General Drakkisath. Then we spent the rest of the evening jumping off high towers, hunting down random elites, cooking and fishing for other achievements.
Oh, and I also re-specced BM 43/18/0 and tamed my Gorilladin pet, who I named Kriegaffe. Love, love, LOVE his aoe taunts and damage. He’s pretty badass now, and I can’t wait to get him up to 70 before WotLK hits. Fairly sure he’ll be my leveling buddy in Northrend.
And then last night I got an invite to Mount Hyjal, of all places. We had fun on the trash waves. Volley does some amazing damage now, and I’m so happy it’s channeled. My volley crits were for 400-1050 damage, but the other hunters were exclaiming 2k+ in theirs. Wiped on Rage Winterchill, but not before we got him down to 30%. Not bad for an largely mixed group of raiders from a few friendly guilds. We then moved over to Tempest Keep and took on the Void Reaver. That was a fun fight. :)
And finally, to close out the night, I charged into Stormwind, dying only once, and hit in the outer sewer area to get the [The Fishing Diplomat] achievement. That attained, I decided to try my luck in Ironforge to fish up [Old Ironjaw]. Ironforge is so much fucking harder to get into. I died at least 5 times before I found my way to the Forlorn Caverns. There were a couple of Night Elves fishing in there as well, and they pretty much ignored me for about 15 minutes, until a Gnome Mage rode up and promptly incinerated me. From there, they all camped me for another hour or so, until it got quiet and I was able to fish for another 10 minutes. A Human Warlock seduced me, but didn’t attack. A 56 Draenei Priest mind-flayed me and stabbed me for a minute or so with his dagger, but I /bored him and he ran away. Then a 70 Warrior and Rogue double-teamed me in less than 3 seconds and I called it a night. I’m thinking I’ll leave the Hunter parked there in IF until I fish the old bastard up, seeing how hard it was to get into the city in the first place. I really hope I get it soon. :D
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