Friday, October 24, 2008

Mission: Ambassador - Day 1

Only had a couple of hours to spare yesterday, so I rushed through my fishing and cooking dailies (still no baby croc pet!) and whacked the Headless Horseman a few times before abandoning most of my non-essential level 70 quests and riding over to the Undead starting area, Deathknell.

One quick aside - joined a PUG for the Horseman and killed him twice before the Sinister Squashling dropped. Everyone passed except for myself and the warrior. He rolled need. I said was going to need too. He asked why. I told him I needed it, of course. Well, he needed it too...he had the Hallowed Helm and only needed the squashling to get the achievement. Exact same situation for me, I said. I announced again that I was needing. He emotes "bites lip." I emote "*cringe*." I beat his roll. He's out. He up and quits the group, even though I won by complete chance and we still had like 4 summons to go. Crazy people.

But hey, I got my [Sinister Calling] completed. And the squashling pet is wicked awesome.

Anyway, on to Deathknell. Now, I did not get a baseline for all my Horde rep before trying this yesterday. This all was mostly on a whim, and I was under time constaints. I know that my UC rep was Revered, somewhere around 3,000/21000, ballpark. I completed perhaps 20 quests between Deathknell, random road NPCs and Brill, pushing UC rep to around 7 or 8k. And that was about 45 minutes of effort.

Also, the issue of finding low-level quests has been resolved! They now have a "find low-level quests" tab in your map locator, right in there with "find minerals" or "find fish." Niiiice.

I'm almost wondering if I'm actually taking a loss in profit by wasting Adamantite Arrows on these tiny mobs. I'm one-shotting them, of course, in like 2k crits. Maybe I should go unarmed in an attempt to boost my skill for that achievement.

Achievement System, I hereby declare thee Achievenor the Corrupting, tainter of all that is holy in the land of Azeroth.

Of course, I had to log pretty quickly last night, and I had about eight more completed quests in the bank waiting to be turned in. I'll start keeping track of my Horde faction rep tonight before I resume, so I can measure my progress.

Will probably look something like this:

Darkspear Trolls - Honored (0000/00000)
Orgrimmar - Honored (0000/00000)
Thunder Bluff - Honored (0000/00000)
Undercity - Revered (0000/00000)
Silvermoon - Revered (0000/00000)

(Unless I can take a screen shot of my window, which would be much easier.)

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