I'm basically working through each of the Horde starting areas, one at a time, and moving on up to the intermediary newbie zones and on through the inter-mixed level 30 to 40-ish areas.
Here are my numbers as I took a break after midnight on Friday:
Oct. 25 - 12:54 am
Darkspear Trolls - Honored: 9848/12000
Orgrimmar - Honored - 11255/12000
Silvermoon City - Revered - 11903/21000
Thunder Bluff - Honored - 8438/12000
Undercity - Revered - 8888/21000
And here we are a few hours later as I logged off in a bleary haze:
Oct. 25 - 3:57am
Darkspear Trolls - Honored - 10708/12000
Orgrimmar - Revered - 115/21000
Silvermoon City - Revered - 12763/21000
Thunder Bluff - Honored - 9298/12000
Undercity - Revered - 14103/21000
Out of laziness or lack of forethought, I did not record my progress over the rest of Saturday or Sunday.
But here we are as I type this on Monday night:
Oct. 27 - 11:18pm
Darkspear Trolls - Revered - 10726/21000
Orgrimmar - Revered - 17470/21000
Silvermoon City - Revered - 19268/21000
Thunder Bluff - Revered - 8175/21000
Undercity - Exalted - 999/1000
Other news: Spent an hour or so farming Scourge mobs in The Burning Steppes and Blasted Lands for a few Necrotic Runes and one [Blessed Greaves of Undead Slaying]. Also picked up my Tabard of the Argent Dawn for kicks.
The new epic leggings are pretty badass. Not a massive upgrade from my [Mag'hari Huntsman's Leggings], but it's slight raise in DPS, as well as a nice new look. I've never seen skirt-style leggings for a hunter. I'm sure a few hunters with male avatars must be a pissed, but I kinda like 'em on Paquita.

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