LOTS of mounting going on around in my neck of the woods lately.
Washed away the dreary malaise of level 76 and pushed through the Zul'drak main quests. Glad I did so, since I got to ride a storm giant in the end. That was pretty freakin sweet.
Hit 77 and flew back up to K3, where I found to my surprise that a kind goblin was willing to give me a
Loaned Wind Rider while I saved up enough to buy my Cold Weather Flying Skill.

It flies at 60% speed and operates like a vehicle, but it was an incredibly nice surpise all the same. Did a bunch of quests for the Goblins of K3, including the sprawling battle across the minefields. That was crazy. Reminded me of films and stories of World War I, with doomed soldiers charging the trenches on the other side of death.
Then I logged on today, and found I had Auction House mail available from nearly three weeks ago! I sold a Tranquil Mechanical Yeti the on the Monday before WotLK hit, right when all the in-game mail got screwed.

Thought I'd lost it all, but hey, all of the sudden here's 266 gold in my mailbox. Not bad at all. And with that extra golden boost, I had enough for my Cold Weather Flying Skill.

Sooo nice to be flying again! And doing quests for the giant warrior women is hilarious. Makes my Turbo-Charged Flying Machine look like a carnival ride. :D

And FINALLY...I declare The Storm Peaks to be my new favorite zone. Ever. Love the soft, mournful music with a touch of heroism to it. However you want to describe it. I love the quests I've done so far for Xarantar the Witness in Camp Tunka'lo. He says he was one of the very first druids, and he's learned how to talk to the rocks and the water and the sky, etc. Very cool stuff.

You know, with folks like him popping up, and insane areas like the Engine of the Makers, allusions to Uldar and things apparently coming to an ultimate showdown between the Alliance and Horde. It makes me wonder if Blizzard isn't just going all out with the lore in this expansion because they expect it to be the last one? I'm guessing the Uldar are related in some way to the ancient creationist lore we got way back in Uldaman. Are we getting the whole shebang? I guess I'd be OK with that. At least we'd go out on a high note. WotLK is a godly step up from Classic WoW and BC in every possible way. And those versions of the game were great in their own way.
Oh, and I also love the ghost mount.

Epic flight in death ftw!
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