Friday, November 21, 2008


I’m still taking it easy, enjoying the win that is Wrath of the Lich King.

Dinged 75 on Wednesday night, and I’m still running on at least three bubbles of rested XP. The sneaky druid was 78 as of last night, and I expect he’ll be hitting 80 at some point this weekend.

I’ve fallen back into a regular schedule each night, first hitting the Dalaran cooking daily, then porting to Shattrath for the cooking and fishing dailies (croc pet and two cooking recipes continue to elude me). When those are finished I hearth back to Dalaran and hit up my three Kalu’ak dailies. Just passed halfway to exalted last night. When all of those chores are out of the way, I can get down to leveling.

I did take Monday evening off from Paquita to play my 61 mage…whom I’ve not actively quested with in nearly a year. A good RL friend of mine recently transferred to Perenolde with his 42 hunter and just dinged 60 last weekend. So he’s enjoying the Burning Crusade for the first time ever. It’s fun to watch (or listen, I guess) to his reactions.

Very awesome combo - my deep frost mage, his DPS and gorilladin keeping the aggro off of us. We had a nice AOE rhythm going by the end of the evening. And it was actually fun to play the mage again.

It was great, we were screwing around near the edge of Hellfire, next to the Expedition Armory, and I offhandedly told him that if he jumped off the edge, a healing wind would carry him back up onto solid ground. Very cool stuff, I said. He was like “Oh, OK,” and we moved on with questing. Then he whispers me the next night, telling me I’m a cruel bastard and that there was no healing wind at all. But the thing is, he did it TWICE to make sure he was doing it correctly. HAHA. /evil.

Encountered a shitty bug with my hunter pets in the last couple of days. I had my four stable slots filled – cat, wolf, gorilla and ravager – with my rhino on active duty. I saw an awesome black and red spider in the Grizzly Hills on Wednesday evening, and ran back to swap out for my ravager so I could abandon him and tame the spider. I successfully abandoned JuanRico and tamed the spider, but when I returned to the stables, the ravager icon was still there. So I pulled him out and he turned into the rhino.


I swapped the pet icons around a couple of times, and then ended up locking in place. Showed my cat, wolf, spider and ravager – but no gorilladin. Kriegaffe! I opened a GM ticket and waited nearly two hours for a response…which was, you guessed it: delete your WTF, interface and cache folders. Seriously people, is that your response to every fucking issue? Could it not be that there is a bug with the hunter pet stable? How could something like this possibly be a UI issue? I dunno. I’m not an expert, so I can’t bitch. I thanked the GM for their time, and mentioned that Blizzard is doing a fantastic job with WotLK, since overall they really are. Felt good to give that direct feedback, for whatever it was worth.

In the end, of course the UI reset did not work. I found a solution on the hunter forums which suggested abandoning the current pet. /Sniff, goodbye Ryanseacrest. So, in letting him go, the cat jumped into active duty, and my gorilla’s icon appeared in the fourth slot, as though he was in the queue all along. /Sigh. I swapped him with the ravager, abandoned that bastard, and swept off to Sholazzar to tame another rhino. So now I have Ryanseacrest back, but the funny thing is that his skin changes randomly every time I dismount or summon him. Sometimes he’s grey, sometimes he’s brown.

I don’t fucking know. :D

Maybe I need to reset my UI.

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