Had a minor freakout on Thursday over some guild action that pissed me off and very much tempted me to /gquit.
Maybe I’m getting older, or maybe I’m just understanding that there are certain aspects of online social interaction where some stuff gets lost in translation, but I decided to wait and first talk to my guild leader. I’m glad that I did so.
It’s very easy to get wrapped up in yourself if you don’t have a lot of friends in the game. You see others forming groups and heading off to instances or raids and you start feeling a bit left out. To be clear, this isn’t what prompted me to quit. It’s close, and I won’t get into details, but let’s just say that it was a combination of my overreaction and guild growing pains. In short, I was asked not to leave and am moving forward with intent to get more involved in guild conversation and activities.
I took away a few important lessons. One, it’s almost always beneficial to talk things out before doing anything rash, if possible. Two, if you’re feeling left out, it may be because you’re just not active enough in guild chat or events. The guild has grown a great deal since I joined it nearly a year ago, and more members mean less emphasis on the individual and more focus on group/community goals. You’ve got to put something in to get something back, and unfortunately if you’re a more passive personality, it’s easy to slip into the background.
In any case, I did get to join a heroic Botanica run last night, so that was fun. Also signed up for a Kara run happening tomorrow night (We will crush Moroes, We will crush Moroes, We will crush Moroes…), so we’ll see how that goes.
On the Botanica note, I consider myself a pretty competent player, but I did make some serious fuck-ups. First I left Aspect of the Pack on for a few pulls, until the warrior politely asked me to remove it. And THEN I, in my infinite ignorance, leave auto-loot on and ninja the Primal Nether from Warp Splinter. Thing is, I didn’t even notice I had done it and no one mentioned it. I don’t know if they were all so pissed that they didn’t even whisper me, or if they felt like walking on eggshells after my near-/gquit. I pray to God it’s neither of those.
I didn’t notice it was in my bag until I was doing dailies over an hour later, and by

Other news: Hit 375 in engineering, and crafted my butt-rocking Turbo-Charged Flying Machine. Tight.