Monday, March 3, 2008

WoW on the back burner (fun facts)

Not so much happening lately in Azeroth, for me.

Been spending a fair amount of time leveling Engineering – I believe I’m at 331 now, up from 260 early Saturday morning. It’s fun to be making such progress, especially now that I don’t need to revisit the Old World for lesser ores and materials. I will need to hit up Blackrock Depths to farm a minor Goblin boss, though, as he drops the recipe for Goblin Jumper Cables XL. They’re rumored to carry a 50% success rate, as opposed to the 33% success rate of the regular jumper cables, which I’ve had since level 36.

But my main goal at this point is to craft the Surestrike Goggles v2.0. Seems to require a ridiculous amount of Fel Iron ore to make casings, bolts and such right now, which I need in order to make endless minor items which turn from red to green skills within 5 or 10 points. I think it’s pretty safe to say that, like Tailoring, it’s going to be a giant pain in the ass to make it to 375. Hell, I even gave up on Tailoring at 357, but that was due in part to the stupid cooldowns on shadowcloth and spellcloth.

It appears the final recipe for the goggles includes a Nightseye gem and a Primal Nether. I can probably find the gem through a random mining node – already had a couple drop for me – but I think the Nether has to come from (either a transmute of 10 of each primal element - EDIT: I was thinking of Primal Might, sorry!) or a heroic dungeon or raid drop. So yeah…it could be a bit before I get those goggles. And rightfully so, as they really are a kick ass upgrade.

And speaking of Azeroth, I rearranged some stuff in my apartment yesterday and came across the original WoW game manual. Made for some good nostalgic reading. Interestingly enough, I learned that Azeroth (at least according to this manual) is actually the name of the Eastern continent, or what we call the Eastern Kingdoms, not the world, per-se. So as far as I can tell, the World of Warcraft is unnamed, and it holds 3 continents: Azeroth (eastern), Kalimdor (western) and Northrend (um…northern).

Another fun fact: apparently, Dwarves can be mages. It’s in the WoW manual :)

Wonder when that changed? Somehow, a Dwarf mage just seems wrong. And if someone *had* a Dwarf mage at launch, were they forced to re-roll? Hmm

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