It’s oddly comforting that I’m moving through Outland again just about a year after Burning Crusade was released.
Good to be back.
Paquita, my Blood Elf hunter, is now 63 and well into Terokkar Forest. I spent two hours yesterday completing 12-14 quests at once in Zangarmarsh, only to turn them in and find that it only got me about 1/3 further toward my next level. That’s to be expected; I knew that the XP-to-level is insane, post-60, but I felt like I needed to step it up a little. So I passed on the second round of Zangarmarsh quests and rode straight on to Spinebreaker Hold in Terokkar. I found that the quests were already yellow to me, so I got a bunch of those done. I’m glad, because I recalled pushing to complete all of the available quests in a certain zone when I leveled Mercot to 70, and often would find that the next zone offered quest rewards I had already outgrown. So I found a few decent items through the Terokkar quests.
I also had a few fortunate runs through Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace, so I’m sporting at least 3 new slick blue items.
Also tamed a sweet-looking Thornfang Ravanger, who I named JuanRico (reference to Johnny Rico, Casper Van Dien’s character from “Starship Troopers). It was cool. I got his loyalty level all the way up to Best Friend in a day. The only issue now, will be balancing him between my old trusty raptor (whom I’ve had since level 10) on the way to 70. It’s an aesthetic choice now, and their only obvious difference is JuanRico’s Gore ability as opposed to OldLace’s Bite. Both are mutually exclusive, and I’ll have to compare their stats more closely to see if one will help me more than the other.
Other than that, I’m just moving on up. I’m really enjoying Outland again. But I’m afraid I’ll get spoiled by the hunter. They’re so damn fun to play. I was getting bored with her before 60, but now she’s finished her Beastmaster tree, and is getting more into the Marksmanship stuff, as well as gaining new BC skills. It’s really quite a challenge to play her effectively. I worry that going back to my mage will be less fun. Ah well.
REALLY looking forward to Nagrand. That place is fucking gorgeous. Unfortunately all the questsgivers are gray at level 63, so I’ll have to ding once more before I can start that stuff.
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