I know that Warlocks live to keep them honest in terms of aggro management, but that's about it.
So it's been interesting to play around with the class over the last few days
Looking past his squeaky emotes and dandy demeanor, the little Gnome is quickly becoming a favored character among my alts. At level 10, he's an accomplished Apprentice Miner and Blacksmith, with the full Copper set. Yeah, that's right. COPPER, baby. Defias scum, ye have been warned.
But he's entering the danger zone. Statistically, most of my alts never live past level 17. Bottom line, I've never had as much fun with a character as I have with my Warlock. Until now.
I love that I can charge into a group of 3-5 mobs, rock the Thunderclap, Rend, and Heroic strike until either they're dead or I run like a girly-Gnome until I'm out of combat. I love the "chink!" sound mobs make when they're hitting my COPPER, baby armor. I don't have to pile up all that leather and / or mail in my bags...I can freakin' wear it now. Innumerable weapon proficiencies, even if they have to be trained.
I don't know...maybe it's just something new. Maybe I'm tired of the Warlock for a change. All I know is that I'm liking the Warrior, enjoying the Alliance's change of pace, and even getting in on a little RP once in a while. It's weird, but RP to me feels like when you used to "play pretend" as we called it when we were kids. You've got nothing but your imagination, and you're making it all up as you go along. Very interesting, the stuff that I've seen so far. And that's only at the tiny inn in Goldshire.
So I chose Spellfire. Why? 'Cause fire is cool, and because of all the +crit bonuses. I've heard it said that Demonology Locks should be more concerned with baseline damage than with chance to crit, but damnit, I like seeing that percentage go up. :)
And I'm more Destruction than Affliction, so hey, why not? In any case, I don't think I'll be on with Mercot for more than the occasional skill session for a while.
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