Again with the delay in posting…
‘Cause, yeah, I write for an audience of one. (Hint: 3-letter word beginning with “e” and ending with “o.”)
But it’s fun to look back and see some kind of progression. That’s something I’ve really been missing with my mage, as it feels like I’m flying along.
She’s more than six days /played at level 52, but I did a lot of dallying at the lower levels. I know that she was level 40 about 2.5 weeks ago, and I got her to 44 over the course of a full-out Southpark-style hotpockets weekend. Then Patch 2.3 hit on November 13th, and my advancement nearly doubled. I know that in a given evening, if I was very focused and stacking quests, I could get a level and a half per night with only a few bubbles of rested XP. Now, with the 2.3 changes to XP gain, I can easily do a level in 2 hours of focused play, just on quest completions. I’ve been pushing myself, though, and have been averaging around 2.5 levels per night since the patch. And as I only have 2 or 3 nights per week for full WoW immersion, that’s not bad.
So. The Mage. Seriously the most fun I’ve had in the game. Granted, I have a special place in my heart for the warlock, but he just feels sluggish when I play him. Barely any burst damage (he’s demo / low-destro), and slow kills. And I keep having to farm shards. I hate the shard farming now.
The mage, on the other hand, is like a breath of fresh air. I started her on a whim, like 10 months ago, first as a mule and then as a possible alt. Then I started playing her more and more. Once I started getting Frost Nova, Blink, Counterspell, Cone of Cold, Presence of Mind…all that stuff, holy shit. The difference between the warlock and the mage is like the difference between an out-of-shape aging wrestler and a 120-lb acrobatic ninja.
So there’s that, and there’s the twinking. I got her the Staff of Jordan (too lazy to link-up Thottbot) and slapped +40 spell damage on it. Then I just kept building the bonus damage as she got high enough to wear the miscellaneous items. I think she’s at 197 bonus damage, unbuffed. It may not be much, but I’m pretty happy with her wardrobe at the moment.
At this rate, I fully expect to hit 60 by the end of this coming weekend or maybe early next week, depending on how many Thanksgiving festivities I attend. So the question then is, do I continue the rocket path to 70? Probably. I’m not going to hit the Dark Portal at 58. Too many people shoot right in and get their asses handed to them for the first few levels. I’ve been hearthed to Shattrath City since level 17, so I’ve already learned my Master Alchemy and Enchanter skills. I do need to get myself aligned with the Scryers and start gaining rep. If I do the rush to 70, I can also go back and do all the other quests for money.
Low on gold at the moment, though, and I’ll have to shell out for an epic mount anyway before 225 flying skill. I’m halfway through revered with Orgrimmar, so perhaps I’ll grind some rep and nab an epic wolf.
And I’ve got another alt waiting in the wings. The way I see it, it’s going to be even more of a pain in the ass to level an alt once Wrath of the Lich King gets released, so it’s better to bring up some characters now while I’m stuck.
I’ve about given up on raiding. I just don’t have the time to put in for progression. I’m fine with my high-end quest-reward blues. My warlock is easily geared to *enter* Karazhan, but I’d have to gear-up for post-Kara through raiding, and that’s not happening. I’ve never been past Moroes, and I’m pretty sure I’m never going to, unless I find a guild that fits my play style.
My current guild tries to hit Kara on Thursdays and Fridays, but they always begin raids an hour before I get home. Granted, they’re always starting late and putting out a call for members, but I haven’t been feeling like joining, what with my focus on the mage.
I dunno, I may just end up transferring servers AGAIN to hang with my little brother.